We obtain and regularly update the PeopleLooker People Search results with records from several different public and private databases. Although we and our data partners do our best to match these new records to the existing records in our database, there may be times when one of our data partners provides us with a new record about you that is different enough from your existing record – for example, containing different spellings, initials, combinations of information, and/or addresses – that we cannot match this new record to your existing record. In these instances, a separate report may be created in our database about you, and this new report may appear in our People Search results.
Currently, in order to prevent fraud and protect the integrity of our opt-out process, we only permit you to remove one report from our People Search results through our online opt-out process. If you have already used our online opt out process to remove a listing, and have searched and are still seeing an additional listing with your information, which you would like to remove, please contact us at privacy@peoplelooker.com with additional information about that listing, and we can assist you with removing that record as well.
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