When running a search, remember that the more information you enter, the more you will narrow your search results. If you enter less information, this will broaden your search results. So unless you are searching for a very common name (John Smith, George White, etc) you may wish to try searching with less information in order to return more possible results. You can try leaving out middle initial, city and even age, and just searching by the first and last name in a state, or even try in all states.
Also, remember that the best way to return a result for someone in public records is by searching by their full first name. So try Richard instead of Dick and Thomas instead of Tom, for example.
Still not finding your subject? PeopleLooker's database contains information collected from public records and publicly available data, compiled from thousands of different sources. Your ability to locate a specific individual in our database can be dependent on a number of factors, such as the amount of information collected on that individual by various government and private agencies, and the laws regarding public information in the state where the individual resides.
This is why it is more difficult to locate a younger individual in public records searches. Individuals who have not yet signed a lease or purchased property, or may not have had utilities in their name, etc have not had as much data collected on them in public records. Similarly, those individuals who try to stay under the radar (always pay with cash, never provide their contact information, avoid subscriptions and contests etc) may also be difficult to locate, because they don't interact as much with the kinds of agencies that collect public record data.
If you are unable to locate a particular individual in our database, please know that we continuously strive to update and expand our databases in order to provide you with the most current and accurate information we possibly can.
If you have other information for the person, remember that you can also run searches on phone numbers, email addresses and properties on PeopleLooker, so you may want to try searching a different piece of information to try and locate results for the individual.
Still have questions? Please feel free to contact PeopleLooker's Customer Support at support@peoplelooker.com.
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