If you purchased your PeopleLooker subscription through Google Play in our Android app, you can cancel by contacting us at support@peoplelooker.com or you can cancel through Google Play.
To cancel through Google Play, launch the Google Play Store app. Tap Menu -> My Apps -> Subscriptions and tap on the PeopleLooker subscription.
To cancel by contacting PeopleLooker Customer Support, you can email us at support@peoplelooker.com.
It helps to provide your 9-digit member id which you can find in your Account Details in the app, and also in your Welcome New Member email. Once your subscription is canceled, you will receive an email confirming the cancellation. You will still have access for any paid time remaining in your subscription, but will not be billed again going forward. Once your subscription is canceled you will no longer receive updates for any monitored reports. You will have access to log back in and reactivate in the future.
Still have questions? Please feel free to contact PeopleLooker's Customer Support at support@peoplelooker.com.
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